viernes, 15 de junio de 2007


To speak of quality educative is subject that not refers to single concept absolute, because it is a value that it requires to define itself in each situation depending on the social perspective from which it becomes, of the subjects that enunciate it (teachers, family parents.) and from the place in which it becomes (planificion practices educative or ministerial).

Components of the educative quality.

Relevance: the educative act includes so much the contents as the processes developed in a. To enable to the students with the knowledge that allow to develop their own possibilities them to face the challenges of their daily life, is not possible to speak of an education of quality if we did not provide to the students the excellent knowledge and significant in such a way that they can to obtain the aims that set out they themselves, this is that they obtain an effective performance.
Fairness: one talks about the equality in which the attention and permanence, access opportunities that assign to the individuals and social groups. The sufficiency complements to the factor of the fairness, since it emphasizes the form and the degree in which the diverse resources are distributed, since these could be distributed of equitable way but to be insufficient to cover the necessities; in such a way that by insufficiency it is possible to be limited that the subjects can accesse or remain in the formed educative processes, as far as the pedagogical character the educational one must give but attention to the students who need it for if this way to avoid that they are fence being left behind.
Effectiveness: strictly pedagogical component, are to obtain the purposes, objectives or I put proposals with the students from the beginning to the end of the process requiring of few financial and material resources to obtain them.
Pertinence: the adjustment or educative correspondence of the processes, contents or resources with respect to the social possibilities of the individuals and groups talk about to, since these are constitution forms.

The educative quality in Mexico is not excellent because the demand is poor and by consequence the supply also is it, so that one affects the other.

Poor demand
Social Inequidad: she prevents that all the people have the same opportunities of access, permanence, results of learning in addition on the work effects and entrance.
Cultural Level: the familiar atmosphere is but propitious for the improvement of abilities and the attitudes, if this is not the adapted one repels in the formation of the boy for always.

Poor supply

Indefinition of the profile of the teacher: the educational ones are prehistoric, methodical and repetitive when distributing education due to the lack of the knowledge of definition of the knowledge and pedagogical aptitudes that must have a professor.
Inadequate Classrooms: they obstruct the work of the children, because they influence in the learning. These are mainly in the countryside or marginal, increasing therefore the lack of opportunity that occurs to the boy to make and to participate in its works, because it does not have the resources to do it.

I can make to improve the educative quality
To prepare the sufficient thing to me to forge in me the profile of a true teacher.
To be a competent student, later a competent teacher to form children who can come out ahead by themselves.
Help to the children of my community who present/display learning problems, to give consultant's office them in the afternoons.
Also to that they have problems in its familiar nucleus, mainly to elevate its self-esteem, if not this within my possibilities of being able to help to look for it professional aid.